Our Top 5 places to Visit Before You’re 70

It’s always great to have a “bucket list” but in order to make the most of it you’ve got to be organised to make sure you’re fulfilling your would love to dos! We’ve put together a list of our top five places to visit before you hit 70.

Northern lights, Iceland

An absolute must for the bucket list, the Northern lights are a true natural spectacle and Iceland a wondrous place to visit with reindeer and snow galore, there’s no better winter wonderland out there.

Northern Lights

Santorini, Greece

An iconic destination that has spanned the covers of many holiday brochures, Santonini’s breathtaking views and charming tavernas are the reason it’s a must see. Not to mention the pelicans!


Cinque, Italy

If there’s ever a place to take time out, Cinque is the place to do it. 5 “crazily” constructed villages that defy all logic hang on the cliff’s edge hovering over the coastline, the scenery is breath taking. Where cars are banned and the seafood plentiful, Cinque is the perfect destination for escape.


Stockholm, Sweden

The pinnacle of style and elegance, Stokcholm is a superb destination during both the winter and the summer. Spanning14 islands all connected by a network of bridges, Stockholm is truly one of a kind. Few rival the culinary and cultural offering for a true taste of the city’s rich history, take a trip to old town.

Tahiti, French Polynesia

Half way between Los Angeles and Sidney, Known as the queen of the pacific, some say there’s no place like it on earth. Tahiti is both remote and unique, with unspoiled beeches and picturesque cabins dotted in the ocean. But just look and you’ll find the capital city Papeete, where the small but vibrant city glows along the waters edge, a must for both city break and beach lovers.


Ernest Grant are here to help you plan for all eventualities, needs to dos, want to dos and would love to dos! Find out more about our lifetime planning and we’ll help you to achieve your goals.